Fruit and vegetable plant with photovoltaic: all the advantages of the storage system

Fruit and vegetable plant with photovoltaic: all the advantages of the storage system.
Fruit and vegetable factories have one of the most particular energy needs: in this article we analyze our project for the realization of a storage system.

Our client’s company operates in the production of fruit and vegetables: in this context, the main energy loads are the machinery for processing and refrigeration of vegetables. The company also integrates a pre-existing photovoltaic system with a peak power of 60Kw.

Like other facilities in the same sector, the plant is characterized by a highly discontinuous energy demand: large loads (10-20 Kw) are switched on or off in a short time (1-2 seconds).

In this case, even the production of energy from the photovoltaic system is irregular due to the weather conditions of insolation, temperature and more: it follows that the trend of the power that the plant exchanges with the network is very variable.
Moreover, the plant has important discrepancies between the availability of photovoltaic energy and the demand for it by the loads with a limited percentage of self-consumption.

Our added value

We started the project with an in-depth analysis of the characteristics of the plant and the needs of the customer.
In order to solve the highlighted problems, we have developed a storage system with a double objective: to dampen the peaks of power exchanged with the network and to promote the self-consumption of energy produced by photovoltaics.

We have therefore put in place a storage system characterized by a bank of 9 lithium batteries 48V-60Ah (20Kw/25Kwh), with a maximum charge and discharge current of 54A (20Kw) and a maximum voltage of 499,5V (432V nominal voltage).
Our solution also offered the possibility to work off-grid, guaranteeing continuity of service even in conditions of power grid interruption.

Results obtained

In the months following the installation of the system, we monitored performance and efficiency. We have found that, thanks to our storage technology applied to the photovoltaic system, in times of overproduction the system charges the battery, and then make up for it with the energy stored in times of need and thus reducing the energy taken from the grid.

In essence, we have given the customer the possibility to choose at any time the mode of operation most appropriate and in accordance with his needs.

By examining the charts we also noticed that the system could be more responsive: specifically, it was possible to improve the speed of response and take advantage of the moments of photovoltaic overproduction by charging the batteries.

Therefore, we started the optimization of the system management algorithms.

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